Japanese verbs
October 21, 2018
Showing posts with label - Japanese vocabulary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label - Japanese vocabulary. Show all posts
Oct 21, 2018
Oct 19, 2018
- Japanese vocabulary
October 19, 2018
26 ways to say "very" in Japanese - with example sentences
Hello. I'm Kosuke!
Today, let's learn how to say "very" in Japanese!
I recommend you to check the video below before reading this article!
There are so many ways to say "very" in Japanese.
I will show you 26 ways in this article.
However, I think you should not remember all the words.
I would like you to remember at least the first 5 words from this article!
Below is the index of this article!
1. Summary
2. Very common words
2-1. Totemo
2-2. Sugoku
2-3. Monosugoku
2-4. Kanari
2-5. Hontouni
3. Casual words
3-1. Mechakucha
3-2. Metcha
3-3. Sugoi
3-4. Sugee
3-5. Chou
4. Formal words
4-1. Hijouni
4-2. Taihen
4-3. Makotoni
4-4. Kiwamete
5. Advanced words
5-1. Hanahada
5-2. Taisou
5-3. Jitsuni
5-4. Soutou
5-5. Eraku
5-6. Ooini
5-7. Osoroshiku
5-8. Sorewa-sorewa
5-9. Itatte
5-10. Shigoku
5-11. Kekkou
6. The very
6-1. Masani
7. Conclusion
1. Summary
2. Very common words
2-1. Totemo
2-2. Sugoku
2-3. Monosugoku
2-4. Kanari
2-5. Hontouni
3. Casual words
3-1. Mechakucha
3-2. Metcha
3-3. Sugoi
3-4. Sugee
3-5. Chou
4. Formal words
4-1. Hijouni
4-2. Taihen
4-3. Makotoni
4-4. Kiwamete
5. Advanced words
5-1. Hanahada
5-2. Taisou
5-3. Jitsuni
5-4. Soutou
5-5. Eraku
5-6. Ooini
5-7. Osoroshiku
5-8. Sorewa-sorewa
5-9. Itatte
5-10. Shigoku
5-11. Kekkou
6. The very
6-1. Masani
7. Conclusion
Oct 17, 2018
Japanese verbs
October 17, 2018
How to say "stop" in Japanese - Tomaru, Tomeru and Yameru
Hello. I'm Kosuke!
Today, let's learn how to say "stop" in Japanese!
I recommend you to check the video below before reading this article!
1. Summary
2. Tomaru and Tomeru
3. Tomeru and Yameru
4. Similar verbs
4-1. Tachidomaru
4-2. Yamu
5. Other usages for Tomaru
5-1. Sit, Land
6. Special Kanji characters
6-1. Tomaru (泊まる)
6-2. Tomeru (停める)
6-3. Yameru (辞める)
7. Conclusion
1. Summary
2. Tomaru and Tomeru
3. Tomeru and Yameru
4. Similar verbs
4-1. Tachidomaru
4-2. Yamu
5. Other usages for Tomaru
5-1. Sit, Land
6. Special Kanji characters
6-1. Tomaru (泊まる)
6-2. Tomeru (停める)
6-3. Yameru (辞める)
7. Conclusion
1. Summary
In Japanese, there are a few words which mean "stop".
I would like to explain about three verbs in this article.
They are "tomaru", "tomeru", and "yameru".
All of them mean "stop".
However, their meaning is slightly different.
I think it's confusing.
I will explain about their difference as clearly as possible.
Also, I will explain other similar verbs.
Oct 13, 2018
- Japanese vocabulary
October 13, 2018
Japanese words for love - How to say "I love you"
Hello. I'm Kosuke!
In this article, let's learn how to say "love" in Japanese!
1. Summary
2. "Ai" and "Koi"
2-1. Strength and Timing
2-2. Target
3. How to say "I love you"
3-1. Aishiteru
3-2. Koishiteru?
3-3. Suki
3-4. Daisuki
3-5. Shindemo ii?
4. Culture
5. Conclusion
1. Summary
2. "Ai" and "Koi"
2-1. Strength and Timing
2-2. Target
3. How to say "I love you"
3-1. Aishiteru
3-2. Koishiteru?
3-3. Suki
3-4. Daisuki
3-5. Shindemo ii?
4. Culture
5. Conclusion
1. Summary
When you go to Japan, you might have a chance to get a Japanese girlfriend or boyfriend!
However, if you don't know how to say I love you in Japanese, you can't say how you are feeling to them!
Let's prepare using this article!
This is the most important article for you! hehe
Oct 12, 2018
- Japanese vocabulary
October 12, 2018
"He" and "She" in Japanese
Hello. I'm Kosuke!
Today, let's learn how to say "he" and "she" in Japanese!
Oct 7, 2018
Japanese verbs
October 07, 2018
How to say "sleep" in Japanese - Neru and Nemuru
Hello. I'm Kosuke!
Today, let's learn how to say "sleep" in Japanese!
I recommend you to check the video below before reading this article!
When you search "sleep" in a dictionary, you will find two Japanese words, "neru" and "nemuru".
However, their meanings are a little different.
Let's look at their differences in this article!
Oct 2, 2018
- Japanese vocabulary
October 02, 2018
Yoisho - Unique Japanese Interjections
Hello. I'm Kosuke!
Have you ever heard "yoisho (よいしょ)"?
Japanese people often use this term when lifting something.
Today, let's learn what "yoisho" is!
Let's also check other useful Japanese interjections!
I hope they will help you to communicate with Japanese people!